Przedstawiciele PolBOL uczestniczyli w spotkaniu Krajowej Sieci Informacji o Bioróżnorodności w Warszawie

On 14 and 15 October 2022, representatives of PolBOL participated in a meeting of the national node of the Global Biodiversity Information Network, organised at the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw.


On 14 and 15 October 2022, representatives of PolBOL participated in a meeting of the national node of the Global Biodiversity Information Network, organised at the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw. During the meeting, the progress of national projects was discussed and then Michał Grabowski presented to the participants the activities of the national node of the International Barcode of Life, i.e. the PolBOL initiative, its objectives and role in the implementation of the Horizon Europe project 'Biodiversity Genomics Europe'. The presentation was received with great interest and goodwill, resulting in a proposal for cooperation between PolBOL and KSIB.
